Key Themes of the Canadian ETF Industry

In this video, Helen Hayes, Head of iShares Canada and Doug Coulter, President RBC Global Asset Management discuss key themes impacting the ETF landscape in Canada.

Advisors already face an abundance of choice when it comes to ETFs. 

There are over 1000 unique ETFs in Canada; So above all, advisors want partners that will help them to navigate the universe, and in particular, help them integrate products into an overall portfolio. 

With so many different products entering the market, advisors are seeking to understand how a product works and differentiates from others to meet their clients’ investment objectives. 

Sustainable investing is a great example of this; we’ve seen impressive growth of sustainable ETFs in Canada in both 2020 and 2021, but it is still early days. 

Based on our engagements, advisors want to understand how to use these products to incorporate sustainability into their existing practice and portfolios.

We’re seeing tremendous momentum in sustainability. In Canada, we surpassed $1B CAD in ESG

Advisors have access to more tools in their toolbox than ever before to help them build efficient portfolios to meet their clients’ investment goals.

Increasingly, they are using these tools in a different way – often blending index, active and other strategies to varying degrees, which is critical in modern portfolio construction. 

With increased choice comes more for advisors to know – advisors do a great job of working with their clients to meet their goals, but they can suffer from choice overload in today’s market.

By working with the right partners, they can get timely, unbiased advice to help them meet their client’s investing goals.




Growth Trajectory of Canadian ETF Industry


Growth of the Canadian ETF Industry