Infographic: TSX30 by the Numbers
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Infographic: TSX30 by the Numbers

Navigating the path forward and creating positive returns for investors requires a bold new approach. This year`s TSX30™ winners, a ranking of the top 30 performers on Toronto Stock Exchange, have demonstrated their willingness to innovate their core offering, transform how they operate, and diversify their business for resilience and growth.

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Toronto Stock Exchange Announces the 2022 TSX30, Celebrating the Exchange’s 3-Year Performance Leaders
TSX30 TMX Money TSX30 TMX Money

Toronto Stock Exchange Announces the 2022 TSX30, Celebrating the Exchange’s 3-Year Performance Leaders

September 15, 2022 (TORONTO) - Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) today announced the 2022 TSX30; an annual ranking of the 30 top-performing stocks over a three-year period, based on dividend-adjusted share price performance. The flagship TSX30 program, established in 2019, recognizes the successes of our listed companies, highlights the overall strength of Canada’s diverse and ever-evolving public markets, and the efficacy of this powerful ecosystem in driving growth for issuers, investors and the overall economy.

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Three Ways Canadian Companies Have Adapted for Resilience
TSX30, Adapt Chris Albinson, President and CEO, Communitech | Chris Albinson, président et chef de la direction, Communitech TSX30, Adapt Chris Albinson, President and CEO, Communitech | Chris Albinson, président et chef de la direction, Communitech

Three Ways Canadian Companies Have Adapted for Resilience

It’s undeniable the profound impact that the pandemic has had on the business community. However, it was not the primary driver of change in recent years. Rather, globalization, technology advancements and shifting demographics are the three major megatrends that have fundamentally changed the landscape for companies in every industry across every geography on the planet.

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The TSX30 Tells Us Some Important Things About What Canada Does Right
TSX30, Grow J. Ari Pandes & Bryce C. Tingle QC | J. Ari Pandes et Bryce C. Tingle, c.r. TSX30, Grow J. Ari Pandes & Bryce C. Tingle QC | J. Ari Pandes et Bryce C. Tingle, c.r.

The TSX30 Tells Us Some Important Things About What Canada Does Right

TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) is the largest and oldest junior venture market in Canada. Its profile is so low in many parts of this country that even well-informed policy makers and business people would be hard-pressed to tell you anything about it. But, as the most recent TSX30™ shows, TSXV is a powerhouse when it comes to supplying successful new companies to Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).

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How Top-Performing Stocks are Focusing on Sustainability
TSX30, Focus Karoline Hunter, Head of TSX Company Services, TMX Group | Karoline Hunter, chef des services aux sociétés de la TSX, Groupe TMX TSX30, Focus Karoline Hunter, Head of TSX Company Services, TMX Group | Karoline Hunter, chef des services aux sociétés de la TSX, Groupe TMX

How Top-Performing Stocks are Focusing on Sustainability

There is a broader shift that is taking place about the importance of sustainability, environmental, social, and governance (ESG), and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in all areas of business, from investor relations to customer engagement to employee satisfaction. And investors are taking notice.

Nous assistons à un important virage au sujet de l’importance du développement durable, des facteurs environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance (ESG) et de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) dans tous les domaines d’activité, qu’il s’agisse des relations avec les investisseurs à l’engagement de la clientèle en passant par la satisfaction des employés. Et les investisseurs en prennent acte.

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What Digital Resilience Means For The Future Of Canadian Business
TSX30, Focus Interview with John Stackhouse, Senior Vice-President, Office of the CEO at RBC TSX30, Focus Interview with John Stackhouse, Senior Vice-President, Office of the CEO at RBC

What Digital Resilience Means For The Future Of Canadian Business

In September 2021, Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) launched the third edition of TSX30™, a ranking of the 30 top-performing stocks on TSX based on 3-year dividend-adjusted share price performance. Over the last three years, these companies created close to CAD 250 billion of market capitalization growth for their employees, shareholders, and the Canadian market*.

En septembre 2021, la Bourse de Toronto (TSX) a lancé la troisième édition du palmarès TSX 30, un classement des 30 sociétés les plus performantes inscrites à la TSX sur une période de trois ans, désignées selon l’appréciation du cours de l’action ajusté en fonction du dividende. Au cours des trois dernières années, ces sociétés dont la capitalisation boursière était de près de 250 milliards de dollars canadiens ont créé de la valeur pour leurs employés, leurs actionnaires et le marché canadien.*

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Addressing Investment Gaps in Canada's Growth Sectors
TSX30, Grow John Ruffolo, Founder & Managing Partner, Maverix Private Equity | John Ruffolo, fondateur et associé directeur, Maverix Private Equity TSX30, Grow John Ruffolo, Founder & Managing Partner, Maverix Private Equity | John Ruffolo, fondateur et associé directeur, Maverix Private Equity

Addressing Investment Gaps in Canada's Growth Sectors

Canada has historically been known for its energy and natural resources sectors, but in more recent years, there has been an increased focus on the technology sector as Canada attracted both talent and capital to innovation hubs and clusters.

Le Canada est reconnu depuis toujours pour ses secteurs de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles, mais, depuis quelques années, une attention grandissante est portée au secteur des technologies étant donné que le Canada a attiré à la fois les talents et les capitaux vers certains pôles et certaines grappes d’innovation.

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How Canadian Companies Embraced Adaptation as a Strategy
TSX30, Adapt Tanya Rowntree, Global Head of Client Success, Equity Capital Markets, TMX Group | Tanya Rowntree, chef du succès des clients à l’échelle mondiale, Marchés boursiers du Groupe TMX TSX30, Adapt Tanya Rowntree, Global Head of Client Success, Equity Capital Markets, TMX Group | Tanya Rowntree, chef du succès des clients à l’échelle mondiale, Marchés boursiers du Groupe TMX

How Canadian Companies Embraced Adaptation as a Strategy

Five years ago, at the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, Klaus Schwab, Founder and CEO of the global foundation said this about the Fourth Industrial Revolution: “We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before.”

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What TSX30 Winners Demonstrate About Growth During Uncertainty
TSX30, Grow, Croissance Richard Goodman, Head of Capital Development, TSX & TSXV | Richard Goodman, chef du développement du capital, Bourse de Toronto et Bourse de croissance TSX TSX30, Grow, Croissance Richard Goodman, Head of Capital Development, TSX & TSXV | Richard Goodman, chef du développement du capital, Bourse de Toronto et Bourse de croissance TSX

What TSX30 Winners Demonstrate About Growth During Uncertainty

Much of the discourse last year was about the ability of Canadian companies to adapt during a global pandemic. The business community has learned that uncertainty is commonplace, no matter the underlying circumstances, and companies that prosper are those that know how to grow regardless.

L’an dernier, il a été beaucoup question de la capacité des entreprises canadiennes à s’adapter lors d’une pandémie mondiale. Le milieu des affaires a appris que l’incertitude est courante, peu importe les causes sous-jacentes, et que les entreprises qui prospèrent sont celles qui savent croître en toute circonstance.

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