TMX Corporate Event one-pager

What is TMX Corporate Event Data?

Wall Street Horizon (WSH), a TMX Company, offers comprehensive forward-looking corporate event data to institutional traders and investors. With coverage of 10,000 publicly traded companies worldwide, TMX Corporate Event Data offers more than 40 event types, including earnings calendars, dividend dates, stock splits, mergers and acquisitions, and investor conferences.

Product overview: ESG Events

TMX Corporate Event Data’s ESG Events file captures ESG themed conferences and analyst-focused events. This data consists of past events within the last 12 months, today’s events, and upcoming events.

For a single-company event like Analyst Day or Capital Markets Day, there is a single event record. For multi-company ESG events like Conferences or Summits, there is one event record for each presenting public company.

Customer profile

TMX Corporate Event Data’s premium data products are intended to provide trading and quantitative investment firms with advance knowledge of analyst events and conference presentations.

Clients can use TMX Corporate Event Data and insights ahead of potential equity volatility that may occur before and/or after these events and presentations. Essentially, TMX Corporate Event Data helps clients make better informed decisions by providing data on critical market-moving events.

Platform Link: Wall Street Horizon

Landing Page URL: TMX Datalinx ESG Data Hub

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TMX Datalinx

TMX Datalinx is the Information Services division of TMX Group Limited. TMX Datalinx provides a broad range of real-time, historical, and other data products and services to customers across North America and around the globe.

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