VettaFi Content

Corporate Bonds Can Be a Part of a Retirement Portfolio
Given their overall credit risk versus safer government debt, corporate bonds may not get enough exposure in a retirement portfolio. However, they can serve a purpose as long as investors are aware of their nuances.

Recession Risk Still in Play for Bond Bulls
Inflation is continues its stay in the current macroeconomic environment. As such, the threat of a recession still looms, which could be a boon for bullish bond investors.

Corporate Bond ETFs — Time to Be Picky
With interest rates at their highest levels in two decades and inflation still high enough that the possibility of further rate hikes isn’t off the table, advisors and investors should be judicious when examining fixed income exchange traded funds. That’s particularly true when it comes to corporate bond ETFs.

Bond ETFs 101: A Refresher
Bonds have come back in a big way, with yields higher than they’ve been in years and providing investors with income again. With bonds now back in favor, it may be a good idea to look into bond ETFs and how they can fit into an investor’s overall portfolio.