TSX ETF Investor Centre
What is an ETF and ETF Facts?
In this video, Kevin Prins, Managing Directoor, Head of ETF & Managed Accounts Distribution at BMO Global Asset explains what ETFs and ETF Fact Forms are. The ETF Fact Form is a valuable document that provides data points to be used in your evaluation of ETFs.
What is CETFA?
Welcome to the Canadian ETF Association and our new ETF video series. In this video, Pat Dunwoody, Executive Director of the Canadian ETF Association (CETFA), explains who CETFA is and what they do.
ETF 101: 4 Reasons to add ETFs to your portfolio
4 Reasons to Add ETFs to Your Portfolio:
1) Diversification 2) Liquidity 3) Transparency 4) Lower fees
ETF 101: What Are ETFs?
ETFs are investment funds that hold: bonds, stocks, gold bullion, and cryptocurrencies. Canadian ETFs track a wide range of different asset classes via indexes. Most ETFs are tied to index products, including both equity or fixed-income funds
ETF Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Exchange traded funds or ETFs are investment funds that hold a basket of securities like bonds, stocks or even gold bullion. They are similar in many ways to mutual funds in that they hold very similar portfolios of securities.
Les fonds négociés en bourse, ou FNB, sont des fonds d’investissement qui détiennent un panier de valeurs comme des obligations, des actions ou même des lingots d’or. Ils sont très semblables aux fonds communs de placement en ce qu’ils détiennent des portefeuilles de titres très similaires.
ETF 101 - Diversity of Our ETFs
In this video, Graham MacKenzie, Head of Exchange Traded Products, Toronto Stock Exchange discusses the diversity of ETFs
ETF 101 - How ETFs Trade Differently
In this video, Graham MacKenzie, Head of Exchange Traded Products, Toronto Stock Exchange discusses how ETFs trade differently from stocks
ETF 101 - ETF Trading Best Practices
In this video, Graham MacKenzie, Head of Exchange Traded Products, Toronto Stock Exchange discusses ETF trading best practices when buying and selling ETFs.
In this video, Graham MacKenzie, Head of Exchange Traded Products, Toronto Stock Exchange highlights factors to consider when picking the right ETF.
ETF 101 - ETF Options
The options market offers a wealth of possibilities! Unlike most investors, who limit themselves to a few trading strategies, the option user enjoys a wider variety of investment alternatives! These strategies run the gamut from the most conservative to the most speculative, and can give you better control over the performance of your portfolio and the related risks.
Le marché des options, c’est une mine de possibilités! Contrairement à la plupart des investisseurs qui se concentrent sur quelques stratégies de négociation, l’investisseur sur options a l’embarras du choix. De la plus prudente à la plus spéculative, ces stratégies lui permettent de mieux gérer le rendement de son portefeuille et le risque qui s’y rattache.