The TSX30 Tells Us Some Important Things About What Canada Does Right
TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) is the largest and oldest junior venture market in Canada. Its profile is so low in many parts of this country that even well-informed policy makers and business people would be hard-pressed to tell you anything about it. But, as the most recent TSX30™ shows, TSXV is a powerhouse when it comes to supplying successful new companies to Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).

Addressing Investment Gaps in Canada's Growth Sectors
Canada has historically been known for its energy and natural resources sectors, but in more recent years, there has been an increased focus on the technology sector as Canada attracted both talent and capital to innovation hubs and clusters.
Le Canada est reconnu depuis toujours pour ses secteurs de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles, mais, depuis quelques années, une attention grandissante est portée au secteur des technologies étant donné que le Canada a attiré à la fois les talents et les capitaux vers certains pôles et certaines grappes d’innovation.

What TSX30 Winners Demonstrate About Growth During Uncertainty
Much of the discourse last year was about the ability of Canadian companies to adapt during a global pandemic. The business community has learned that uncertainty is commonplace, no matter the underlying circumstances, and companies that prosper are those that know how to grow regardless.
L’an dernier, il a été beaucoup question de la capacité des entreprises canadiennes à s’adapter lors d’une pandémie mondiale. Le milieu des affaires a appris que l’incertitude est courante, peu importe les causes sous-jacentes, et que les entreprises qui prospèrent sont celles qui savent croître en toute circonstance.

Is Mining-Tech the Next Convergence Story?
Technology and mining are two sectors that have managed the pandemic relatively well compared to other industries. It is perhaps not surprising, then, to see that the majority of the high performing companies on this year’s TSX30TM are from these two sectors.

Mining Returns to Centre Stage
Precious metal prices (particularly gold prices) have been on a steady climb for some time now, and equities appear finally to have joined the trend. We expect this trend to continue with observed growth in the number of equity financings; amount of capital raised; and the overall number of new listings. It is also encouraging to see this heightened investor interest in our market extending beyond TSX and into TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV), which is dominated by exploration and development stage mining companies.

How the post-pandemic outlook is shaping long-term shareholder value
As long-term investors, our deep research and differentiated perspective have allowed us to find specific company situations that offer solid returns. In our experience, high-performing companies, such as those ranked on the TSX30™, have a durable competitive advantage, compelling market opportunities, and strongly aligned management. These fundamentals make it possible for companies to be agile and resilient in the face of market forces such as changing demographics, technology and geopolitics, all of which have had an even more complicated impact due to the pandemic.