Investing 101: Five Benefits of Investing in Equities
TSX Venture 50 CIBC Asset Management, Sponsored by CIBC Investor’s Edge TSX Venture 50 CIBC Asset Management, Sponsored by CIBC Investor’s Edge

Investing 101: Five Benefits of Investing in Equities

An intentionally designed portfolio is one that is tailored to an individual investor’s financial goals and takes into consideration market opportunities while preparing for uncertainty. Components of a well-constructed portfolio include a mix of different types of asset classes and strategies such as active and passive investing, portfolio rebalancing and asset allocations.

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Anticipating What’s Next For Junior Oil & Gas Companies
TSX Venture 50 David Chelich, Head, Global Energy and Diversified Industries, Toronto Stock Exchange & TSX Venture Exchange TSX Venture 50 David Chelich, Head, Global Energy and Diversified Industries, Toronto Stock Exchange & TSX Venture Exchange

Anticipating What’s Next For Junior Oil & Gas Companies

The oil and gas sector has had an opportunity to take advantage of much more favourable conditions in the last 12 months as the global economy started to recover and demand for global crude oil and natural gas returned to pre-pandemic levels. But supply constraints due to underinvestment have resulted in a commodity supercycle that is expected to last for the next 10 years, according to Goldman Sachs analysts.

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Why the Traditional Life Sciences Sector is Making a Comeback
TSX Venture 50 Daniel Lubienietzky Manager, Life Sciences, Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange TSX Venture 50 Daniel Lubienietzky Manager, Life Sciences, Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange

Why the Traditional Life Sciences Sector is Making a Comeback

The Canadian life sciences sector has always been versatile and dynamic, encompassing early-stage ventures and late-stage companies alike engaged in drug discovery, diagnostics, and healthcare technologies. A third of the life sciences companies listed on TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) are in the biotech space, and 10% of the 2022 TSX Venture 50 winners are from the life sciences sector.

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Investor Enthusiasm on the Rise for Early-Stage Crypto Ventures
TSX Venture 50 Dani Lipkin, Innovation Sector Head, Toronto Stock Exchange & TSX Venture Exchange TSX Venture 50 Dani Lipkin, Innovation Sector Head, Toronto Stock Exchange & TSX Venture Exchange

Investor Enthusiasm on the Rise for Early-Stage Crypto Ventures

TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) is home to more than 300 Canadian and international small cap companies in the technology and innovation sectors, seeking access to capital to fund growth. Last year was a strong year for TSXV with over $11 billion of capital raised across 1800+ financings. Trading volume was also at the highest in 10 years, with more than 64 billion shares traded.

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Value Creation In The Mining Sector
TSX Venture 50 Dean McPherson, Head of Global Mining, Toronto Stock Exchange & TSX Venture Exchange TSX Venture 50 Dean McPherson, Head of Global Mining, Toronto Stock Exchange & TSX Venture Exchange

Value Creation In The Mining Sector

The last two years have been a period of uncertainty for most businesses, and the mining sector has had its share of volatility due to external factors. However, the mining sector has experienced upward swings with higher commodity prices, mostly driven by the global trend towards electrification and the demand for commodities needed in this supply chain. The sector’s growing emphasis on efficient, environmentally and socially responsible operations seem to be winning interest from more generalist investors.

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Here’s How Kevin Li Won the TSXV’s Top Public Venture Capitalist Contest
TSX Venture 50 Richard Goodman, Head of Capital Development, TSX & TSXV | Richard Goodman, chef du développement du capital, Bourse de Toronto et Bourse de croissance TSX TSX Venture 50 Richard Goodman, Head of Capital Development, TSX & TSXV | Richard Goodman, chef du développement du capital, Bourse de Toronto et Bourse de croissance TSX

Here’s How Kevin Li Won the TSXV’s Top Public Venture Capitalist Contest

TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) completed its first-ever virtual competition where participants select their own portfolio of stocks. Kevin Li took home a $5,000 prize for generating the highest rate of return. His strategy was simple: select stocks that he was already familiar with and are poised for growth.

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TSX Venture Exchange - Picture of a Canadian Job Growth Engine
TSX Venture 50 Robert Peterman, Vice President, Global Business Development, TMX Group TSX Venture 50 Robert Peterman, Vice President, Global Business Development, TMX Group

TSX Venture Exchange - Picture of a Canadian Job Growth Engine

During 2020, the 50 companies that make up the 2021 Venture 50™ created over 1,500 jobs, growing their workforce on average by over 36% in the midst of a global pandemic. And these companies are projecting a 30% increase in hiring during 2021.

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